Source code for mlcalcdriver.base.posinp

The :class:`Posinp` and :class:`Atom` classes are represent the
atomic systems used as input for a calculation.

from copy import deepcopy
from collections import Counter
from import Sequence
import numpy as np
from ase.cell import Cell
from mlcalcdriver.globals import ATOMS_MASS, B_TO_ANG, ANG_TO_B
from mlcalcdriver.interfaces import ase_atoms_to_pos_dict

__all__ = ["Posinp", "Atom"]

[docs]class Posinp(Sequence): r""" Class allowing to initialize, read, write and interact with the input atomic geometry of a calculation in the form of an xyz file. Such a file is made of a few lines, containing all the necessary information to specify a given system of interest: * the first line contains the number of atoms :math:`n_{at}` and the units for the coordinates (and possibly the cell size), * the second line contains the boundary conditions used and possibly the simulation cell size (for periodic or surface boundary conditions), * the subsequent :math:`n_{at}` lines are used to define each atom of the system: first its type, then its position given by three coordinates (for :math:`x`, :math:`y` and :math:`z`). """ def __init__( self, atoms, units="angstrom", boundary_conditions="free", cell=None, angles=None, ): r""" Parameters ---------- atoms : list List of :class:`Atom` instances. units : str Units of the coordinate system. boundary_conditions : str Boundary conditions. cell : Sequence of length 3 or None Size of the simulation domain in the three space coordinates. >>> posinp = Posinp([Atom('N', [0, 0, 0]), Atom('N', [0, 0, 1.1])], ... 'angstrom', 'free') >>> len(posinp) 2 >>> posinp.boundary_conditions 'free' >>> posinp.units 'angstrom' >>> for atom in posinp: ... repr(atom) "Atom('N', [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])" "Atom('N', [0.0, 0.0, 1.1])" >>> posinp.masses array([14.00674, 14.00674]) """ # Check initial values # Set the base attributes self.atoms = atoms self.units = units self.boundary_conditions = boundary_conditions self.cell = (cell, angles) self.orthorhombic = self.cell.orthorhombic self._check_initial_values(self.cell, self.units, self.boundary_conditions) @staticmethod def _check_initial_values(cell, units, boundary_conditions): r""" Raises ------ ValueError If some initial values are invalid, contradictory or missing. """ lengths_counter = Counter(list(cell.lengths())) if boundary_conditions == "periodic" and lengths_counter[0] != 0: raise ValueError( """ All 3 lattice vectors should have a non zero length in periodic boundary conditions. """ ) elif boundary_conditions == "surface" and lengths_counter[0] != 1: raise ValueError( "One dimension of the cell should be zero for a surface calculation." ) elif boundary_conditions == "free" and lengths_counter[0] != 3: raise ValueError("All 3 lattice vectors should be 0 for free calculations.") if boundary_conditions == "free" and units == "reduced": raise ValueError("Cannot use reduced units with free boundary conditions")
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, filename): r""" Initialize the input positions from a file on disk. Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of the input positions file on disk. Returns ------- Posinp Posinp read from a file on disk. >>> posinp = Posinp.from_file("tests/") >>> posinp.cell [8.07007483423, 'inf', 4.65925987792] >>> print(posinp) 4 reduced surface 8.07007483423 inf 4.65925987792 C 0.08333333333 0.5 0.25 C 0.41666666666 0.5 0.25 C 0.58333333333 0.5 0.75 C 0.91666666666 0.5 0.75 <BLANKLINE> """ with open(filename, "r") as stream: lines = [line.split() for line in stream.readlines()] return cls._from_lines(lines)
[docs] @classmethod def from_string(cls, posinp): r""" Initialize the input positions from a string. Parameters ---------- posinp : str Content of an xyz file as a string. Returns ------- Posinp Posinp read from the string. """ lines = [line.split() for line in posinp.split("\n")] lines = [line for line in lines if line] # Remove empty lines return cls._from_lines(lines)
@classmethod def _from_lines(cls, lines): r""" Initialize the input positions from a list of lines that mimics an xyz file. Parameters ---------- lines : list List of the lines of the xyz file, each line being a list. Returns ------- Posinp Posinp read from the list of lines. """ # Decode the first line line1 = lines.pop(0) n_at = int(line1[0]) units = line1[1] # Decode the second line line2 = lines.pop(0) boundary_conditions = line2[0].lower() if boundary_conditions == "free": cell = None else: cell = line2[1:4] # Angles if present if lines[0][0] == "angles": angles = np.array([float(a) for a in lines.pop(0)[1:]]) else: angles = np.array([90.0, 90.0, 90.0]) orthorhombic = True if (angles == 90.0).all() else False # Remove the lines about the forces, if there are some first_elements = [line[0] for line in lines] if "forces" in first_elements: index = first_elements.index("forces") lines = lines[:index] # Check the number of atoms is correct if n_at != len(lines): raise ValueError( "The number of atoms received is different from the expected " "number of atoms ({} != {})".format(len(lines), n_at) ) # Decode the atoms atoms = [] for line in lines: atom_type = line[0] position = np.array(line[1:4], dtype=float) atoms.append(Atom(atom_type, position)) return cls(atoms, units, boundary_conditions, cell=cell, angles=angles)
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, posinp): r""" Initialize the input positions from a dictionary. Parameters ---------- posinp : dict Posinp as a dictionary coming from an InputParams or Logfile instance. Returns ------- Posinp Posinp initialized from an dictionary. >>> pos_dict = { ... "units": "reduced", ... "cell": [8.07007483423, 'inf', 4.65925987792], ... "positions": [ ... {'C': [0.08333333333, 0.5, 0.25]}, ... {'C': [0.41666666666, 0.5, 0.25]}, ... {'C': [0.58333333333, 0.5, 0.75]}, ... {'C': [0.91666666666, 0.5, 0.75]}, ... ] ... } >>> pos = Posinp.from_dict(pos_dict) >>> pos.boundary_conditions 'surface' If there is no "cell" key, then the boundary conditions are set to "free". Here, given that the units are reduced, this raises a ValueError: >>> del pos_dict["cell"] >>> pos = Posinp.from_dict(pos_dict) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: Cannot use reduced units with free boundary conditions """ # Read data from the dictionary atoms = [] # atomic positions for atom in posinp["positions"]: atoms.append(Atom.from_dict(atom)) units = posinp.get("units", "atomic") # Units of the coordinates cell = posinp.get("cell") # Simulation cell size angles = posinp.get("angles") # Infer the boundary conditions from the value of cell if cell is None: boundary_conditions = "free" else: if not isinstance(cell, Cell): cell = [ abs(float(size)) if size not in [".inf", "inf"] else 0.0 for size in cell ] cell = lengths_counter = Counter(list(cell.lengths())) if lengths_counter[0] == 1: boundary_conditions = "surface" elif lengths_counter[0] == 3: boundary_conditions = "free" else: boundary_conditions = "periodic" return cls(atoms, units, boundary_conditions, cell=cell, angles=angles)
[docs] @classmethod def from_ase(cls, atoms): r""" Parameters ---------- atoms : ase.Atoms ase.Atoms instance from which the information is taken to create the Posinp. """ return cls.from_dict(ase_atoms_to_pos_dict(atoms))
@property def atoms(self): r""" Returns ------- list of :class:`Atom` Atoms of the system (atomic type and positions). """ return self._atoms @atoms.setter def atoms(self, atoms): if isinstance(atoms, list): if all([isinstance(at, Atom) for at in atoms]): self._atoms = atoms else: raise TypeError("All atoms should be mlcalcdriver.base.Atom instances") else: raise TypeError("Atoms should be given in a list") @property def units(self): r""" Returns ------- str Units used to represent the atomic positions. """ return self._units @units.setter def units(self, units): if isinstance(units, str): units = units.lower() if units.endswith("d0"): units = units[:-2] if units in ["angstrom", "atomic", "reduced"]: self._units = units else: raise ValueError("Units are not recognized.") else: raise TypeError("Units should be given as a string.") @property def boundary_conditions(self): r""" Returns ------- str Boundary conditions. """ return self._boundary_conditions @boundary_conditions.setter def boundary_conditions(self, boundary_conditions): boundary_conditions = boundary_conditions.lower() if boundary_conditions in ["free", "periodic", "surface"]: self._boundary_conditions = boundary_conditions else: raise ValueError( "Boundary conditions {} are not recognized.".format(boundary_conditions) ) @property def cell(self): r""" Returns ------- ase.cell.Cell Object containing informations on the simulation cell. Zeros are used in the non-periodic directions. """ return self._cell @cell.setter def cell(self, cell): if len(cell) == 2: cell, angles = cell else: angles = None if isinstance(cell, Cell): self._cell = cell elif cell is None: self._cell = elif isinstance(cell, list) or isinstance(cell, np.ndarray): if isinstance(cell, list): cell = np.array( [ abs(float(size)) if size not in [".inf", "inf"] else 0.0 for size in cell ] ) if cell.size == 3 and angles is not None: if len(angles) == 3: cell = np.concatenate([cell, angles]) else: raise ValueError("Need three angles to define a cell.") if cell.size in [3, 6, 9]: self._cell = else: raise ValueError( "Cell definition is not valid. See ase.cell.Cell documentation." ) else: raise ValueError( "Cell definition is not valid. See ase.cell.Cell documentation." ) @property def angles(self): r""" Returns ------- numpy.array of three `float` or `None` Angles (degrees) between lattice vectors in order (yz, xz, xy) """ return self.cell.angles() @property def positions(self): r""" Returns ------- 2D :class:`numpy.array` of shape (:math:`n_{at}`, 3) Position of all the atoms in the system. """ return np.array([atom.position for atom in self]) @property def masses(self): r""" Returns ------- :class:`numpy.array` of length :math:`n_{at}` Masses of all the atoms in the system. """ return np.array([atom.mass for atom in self]) def __getitem__(self, index): r""" The items of a Posinp instance actually are the atoms (so as to behave like an immutable list of atoms). Parameters ---------- index : int Index of a given atom Returns ------- Atom The required atom. """ return self.atoms[index] def __len__(self): return len(self.atoms) def __eq__(self, other): r""" Parameters ---------- other : object Any other object. Returns ------- bool `True` if both initial positions have the same number of atoms, the same units and boundary conditions and the same atoms (whatever the order of the atoms in the initial list of atoms). """ try: # Check that both cells are the same, but first make sure # that the unimportant cell size are not compared cell = deepcopy(self.cell) other_cell = deepcopy(other.cell) same_cell = (cell == other_cell).all() # Check the other basic attributes same_BC = self.boundary_conditions == other.boundary_conditions same_base = ( same_BC and len(self) == len(other) and self.units == other.units and same_cell ) # Finally check the atoms only if the base is similar, as it # might be time-consuming for large systems if same_base: same_atoms = all([atom in other.atoms for atom in self.atoms]) return same_atoms else: return False except AttributeError: return False def __str__(self): r""" Convert the Posinp to a string in the xyz format. Returns ------- str The Posinp instance as a string. """ # Create the first two lines of the posinp file pos_str = "{} {}\n".format(len(self), self.units) pos_str += self.boundary_conditions if self.cell is not None: pos_str += " {} {} {}\n".format(*self.cell.lengths()) else: pos_str += "\n" if not self.orthorhombic: pos_str += "angles {} {} {}\n".format(*self.cell.angles()) # Add all the other lines, representing the atoms pos_str += "".join([str(atom) for atom in self]) return pos_str def __repr__(self): r""" Returns ------- The string representation of a Posinp instance. """ return ( "Posinp({0.atoms}, '{0.units}', '{0.boundary_conditions}', " "cell={0.cell}, angles={0.angles})".format(self) )
[docs] def write(self, filename): r""" Write the Posinp on disk. Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of the input positions file. """ with open(filename, "w") as stream: stream.write(str(self))
[docs] def distance(self, i_at_1, i_at_2): r""" Evaluate the distance between two atoms. Parameters ---------- i_at_1: int Index of the first atom. i_at_2: int Index of the second atom. Returns ------- float Distance between both atoms. >>> atoms = [Atom('N', [0, 0, 0]), Atom('N', [3, 4, 0])] >>> pos = Posinp(atoms, units="angstrom", boundary_conditions="free") >>> assert pos.distance(0, 1) == 5.0 """ pos_1 = self[i_at_1].position pos_2 = self[i_at_2].position return np.linalg.norm(pos_1 - pos_2)
[docs] def translate_atom(self, i_at, vector): r""" Translate the `i_at` atom along the three space coordinates according to the value of `vector`. Parameters ---------- i_at : int Index of the atom. vector : list or :class:`numpy.array` of length 3 Translation vector to apply. Returns ------- Posinp New posinp where the `i_at` atom was translated by `vector`. .. Warning:: You have to make sure that the units of the vector match those used by the posinp. >>> posinp = Posinp([Atom('N', [0, 0, 0]), Atom('N', [0, 0, 1.1])], ... 'angstrom', 'free') >>> new_posinp = posinp.translate_atom(1, [0.0, 0.0, 0.05]) >>> print(new_posinp) 2 angstrom free N 0.0 0.0 0.0 N 0.0 0.0 1.15 <BLANKLINE> """ new_posinp = deepcopy(self) new_posinp.atoms[i_at] = self[i_at].translate(vector) return new_posinp
[docs] def translate(self, vector): r""" Translate all the atoms along the three space coordinates according to the value of `vector`. Parameters ---------- vector : list or :class:`numpy.array` of length 3 Translation vector to apply. Returns ------- Posinp New posinp where all the atoms were translated by `vector`. .. Warning:: You have to make sure that the units of the vector match those used by the posinp. """ new_positions = self.positions + np.array(vector) atoms = [ Atom(atom.type, pos.tolist()) for atom, pos in zip(self.atoms, new_positions) ] return Posinp( atoms, units=self.units, cell=self.cell, boundary_conditions=self.boundary_conditions, )
[docs] def to_centroid(self): r""" Center the system to its centroid (*i.e.*, geometric center). Returns ------- Posinp New posinp where all the atoms are centered on the geometric center of the system. """ centroid = np.average(self.positions, axis=0) return self.translate(-centroid)
[docs] def to_barycenter(self): r""" Center the system to its barycenter (*i.e.*, center of mass). Returns ------- Posinp New posinp where all the atoms are centered on the center of mass of the system. """ m = self.masses barycenter = np.sum(m * self.positions.T, axis=1) / np.sum(m) return self.translate(-barycenter)
[docs] def convert_units(self, new_units): r""" Converts the atomic positions in another units. Parameters ---------- new_units: str The new units in which the positions should be converted. Can either be "angstrom" or "atomic". """ if new_units not in ["angstrom", "atomic"]: raise ValueError("New units are not recognized.") if self.units == new_units: pass elif self.units == "atomic" and new_units == "angstrom": for atom in self: atom.position = atom.position * B_TO_ANG self.cell = * B_TO_ANG) elif self.units == "angstrom" and new_units == "atomic": for atom in self: atom.position = atom.position * ANG_TO_B self.cell = * ANG_TO_B) elif self.units == "reduced" and new_units == "atomic": for atom in self: atom.position = np.sum(atom.position * self.cell, axis=0) elif self.units == "reduced" and new_units == "angstrom": for atom in self: atom.position = np.sum(atom.position * self.cell * B_TO_ANG, axis=0) self.cell = * B_TO_ANG) else: raise NotImplementedError self.units = new_units
[docs] def angle(self, i, j, k): r""" Returns the angle between three atoms Parameters ---------- i: int Index of the first atom j: int Index of the middle atom k: int Index of the third atom Returns ------- angle: float Angle between the three atoms, in radians """ ij = self.positions[i] - self.positions[j] jk = self.positions[k] - self.positions[j] angle = np.arccos( np.clip(, jk) / (np.linalg.norm(ij) * np.linalg.norm(jk)), -1.0, 1.0 ) ) return angle
[docs]class Atom(object): r""" Class allowing to represent an atom by its type and position. """ def __init__(self, atom_type, position): r""" Parameters ---------- atom_type : str Type of the atom. position : list or :class:`numpy.array` of length 3 Position of the atom. >>> a = Atom('C', [0, 0, 0]) >>> a.type 'C' >>> a.position array([0., 0., 0.]) >>> a.mass 12.011 """ # TODO: Check that the atom type exists self.type = atom_type self.position = position self.mass = ATOMS_MASS[self.type]
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, atom_dict): r""" Parameters ---------- atom_dict : dict Information about an atom given by a dict whose only key is the atom type and the value is the atomic position. This format is mainly found in bigdft logfiles. """ [(atom_type, position)] = atom_dict.items() return cls(atom_type, position)
@property def type(self): r""" Returns ------- str Type of the atom. """ return self._type @type.setter def type(self, type): if isinstance(type, str): self._type = type else: TypeError("Atom type should be given as a string.") @property def position(self): r""" Returns ------- list or :class:`numpy.array` of length 3 Position of the atom in cartesian coordinates. """ return self._position @position.setter def position(self, position): assert len(position) == 3, "The position must have three components." self._position = np.array(position, dtype=float) @property def mass(self): r""" Returns ------- float Mass of the atom in atomic mass units. """ return self._mass @mass.setter def mass(self, mass): self._mass = mass
[docs] def translate(self, vector): r""" Translate the coordinates of the atom by the values of the vector. Returns ------- Atom Atom translated according to the given vector. Parameters ---------- vector : list or :class:`numpy.array` of length 3 Translation vector to apply. >>> Atom('C', [0, 0, 0]).translate([0.5, 0.5, 0.5]) Atom('C', [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]) """ assert len(vector) == 3, "The vector must have three components" new_atom = deepcopy(self) new_atom.position = self.position + np.array(vector) return new_atom
def __str__(self): r""" Returns ------- str String representation of the atom, mainly used to create the string representation of a Posinp instance. """ return "{t} {: .15} {: .15} {: .15}\n".format(t=self.type, *self.position) def __repr__(self): r""" Returns ------- str General string representation of an Atom instance. """ return "Atom('{}', {})".format(self.type, list(self.position)) def __eq__(self, other): r""" Two atoms are the same if they are located on the same position and have the same type. Parameters ---------- other Other object. Returns ------- bool True if both atoms have the same type and position. >>> a = Atom('C', [0., 0., 0.]) >>> a == 1 False >>> a == Atom('N', [0., 0., 0.]) False >>> a == Atom('C', [1., 0., 0.]) False """ try: return ( np.allclose(self.position, other.position) and self.type == other.type ) except AttributeError: return False