Source code for mlcalcdriver.interfaces.atoms_to_patches

from ase.geometry import Cell
from ase import Atom, Atoms
from import Sequence
import numpy as np
from copy import deepcopy

[docs]class AtomsToPatches: """ Splits an ase.Atoms into patches. Used by the PatchSPCalculator. """ def __init__(self, cutoff, n_interaction, grid): self.cutoff = cutoff self.n_interaction = n_interaction self.grid = grid @property def cutoff(self): return self._cutoff @cutoff.setter def cutoff(self, cutoff): self._cutoff = float(cutoff) @property def n_interaction(self): return self._n_interaction @n_interaction.setter def n_interaction(self, n_interaction): assert isinstance( n_interaction, int ), "The number of interaction blocks should be an integer." self._n_interaction = n_interaction @property def grid(self): return self._grid @grid.setter def grid(self, grid): if isinstance(grid, np.ndarray): assert grid.shape == ( 3, ), "The grid given to the EnvironmentProvider is not valid." elif not isinstance(grid, Sequence): raise TypeError( "The grid should be given as a numpy.ndarray, or a Sequence." ) else: assert ( len(grid) == 3 ), "The grid given to the EnvironmentProvider is not valid." self._grid = np.array(grid) def split_atoms(self, atoms): # Fix for atoms exactly on the cell frontier new_scaled_positions = np.round(atoms.get_scaled_positions(), decimals=8) t_idx_0, t_idx_1 = np.where( np.isclose(new_scaled_positions, 1.0, rtol=0, atol=1e-8) ) new_scaled_positions[t_idx_0, t_idx_1] -= 1.0 new_pbc = [] for i in range(3): new_pbc.append(True if atoms.pbc[i] and self.grid[i] == 1 else False) atoms = Atoms(symbols=atoms.symbols, cell=atoms.cell, pbc=new_pbc) atoms.set_scaled_positions(new_scaled_positions) # Define grid and cells full_cell = atoms.cell grid_cell = Cell(full_cell / np.broadcast_to(self.grid, (3, 3)).T) # Define buffers buffer_length = (self.cutoff * self.n_interaction) / np.sin( np.radians(min(full_cell.angles())) ) full_scaled_buffer_length = buffer_length / full_cell.cellpar()[:3] full_scaled_buffer_length[np.where(self.grid == 1)[0]] = 0 if np.any(full_scaled_buffer_length >= 0.5): raise ValueError("The supercell is too small to use with this buffer.") grid_scaled_buffer_length = full_scaled_buffer_length * self.grid if np.any(grid_scaled_buffer_length >= 1): raise ValueError("The grid is too fine to use with this buffer.") # Add initial buffer around the supercell buffered_atoms, copy_idx = add_initial_buffer( atoms, full_scaled_buffer_length, full_cell ) # Define grid indexes dim0, dim1, dim2 = ( np.linspace(0, self.grid[0] - 1, self.grid[0]), np.linspace(0, self.grid[1] - 1, self.grid[1]), np.linspace(0, self.grid[2] - 1, self.grid[2]), ) gridx, gridy, gridz = np.meshgrid(dim0, dim1, dim2) subcells_idx = np.concatenate( (gridx.reshape(-1, 1), gridy.reshape(-1, 1), gridz.reshape(-1, 1)), axis=1 ) # Scaling atomic positions in grid units scaled_atoms_positions = buffered_atoms.get_scaled_positions() * self.grid # Create subcells as atoms instances subcell_as_atoms_list = [] main_subcell_idx_list = [] original_atoms_idx_list = [] complete_subcell_copy_idx_list = [] for i, subcell in enumerate(subcells_idx): buffered_subcell_min = subcell - grid_scaled_buffer_length buffered_subcell_max = subcell + 1 + grid_scaled_buffer_length buffered_subcell_atoms_idx = np.where( np.all( np.logical_and( scaled_atoms_positions >= buffered_subcell_min, scaled_atoms_positions < buffered_subcell_max, ), axis=1, ) )[0] complete_subcell_copy_idx = copy_idx[buffered_subcell_atoms_idx] main_subcell_idx = np.where( np.all( np.floor( np.round( scaled_atoms_positions[buffered_subcell_atoms_idx], decimals=8, ) ) == subcells_idx[i], axis=1, ) )[0] subcell_as_atoms_list.append(buffered_atoms[buffered_subcell_atoms_idx]) main_subcell_idx_list.append(main_subcell_idx) original_atoms_idx_list.append(buffered_subcell_atoms_idx[main_subcell_idx]) complete_subcell_copy_idx_list.append(complete_subcell_copy_idx) # Returns: # 1) a list of atoms instances (subcells) # 2) a list of indexes of the atoms that # are not in the buffer of those subcells # 3) a list of the original index of the atoms # to map back per atom predicted properties # to the original configuration. return ( subcell_as_atoms_list, main_subcell_idx_list, original_atoms_idx_list, complete_subcell_copy_idx_list, )
def add_initial_buffer(atoms, scaled_buffer_length, full_cell): # Determine which atoms need to be copied init_scaled_positions = atoms.get_scaled_positions() in_buff_low = (init_scaled_positions < scaled_buffer_length).astype(int) in_buff_high = (init_scaled_positions > (1 - scaled_buffer_length)).astype(int) in_buff = in_buff_low - in_buff_high # Look at all possible permutations copy_idx = [i for i in range(len(atoms))] for i in range(init_scaled_positions.shape[0]): non_zero_dimensions = np.sum(np.absolute(in_buff[i])) x, y, z = in_buff[i] if non_zero_dimensions == 0: pass if non_zero_dimensions >= 1: for dim, translation in zip( [x, y, z], [ np.array([1, 0, 0]), np.array([0, 1, 0]), np.array([0, 0, 1]), ], ): if dim != 0: atoms = copy_atom_with_translation( atoms, i, (translation * dim).dot(full_cell) ) copy_idx.append(i) if non_zero_dimensions >= 2: if x != 0: if y != 0: atoms = copy_atom_with_translation( atoms, i, np.array([x, y, 0]).dot(full_cell) ) copy_idx.append(i) if z != 0: atoms = copy_atom_with_translation( atoms, i, np.array([x, 0, z]).dot(full_cell) ) copy_idx.append(i) else: atoms = copy_atom_with_translation( atoms, i, np.array([0, y, z]).dot(full_cell) ) copy_idx.append(i) if non_zero_dimensions == 3: atoms = copy_atom_with_translation( atoms, i, np.array([x, y, z]).dot(full_cell) ) copy_idx.append(i) return atoms, np.array(copy_idx) def copy_atom_with_translation(atoms, idx, translation): # Add atom to existing configuration new_atom = Atom(atoms[idx].symbol, atoms[idx].position + translation) atoms.append(new_atom) return atoms