Source code for mlcalcdriver.workflows.geopt

The :class:`Geopt` class allows to perform a geometry optimization to
relax the forces on a given structure, using a machine
learning model.

import numpy as np
from copy import deepcopy
from mlcalcdriver import Posinp, Job
from mlcalcdriver.calculators import Calculator

[docs]class Geopt: r""" This class allows to relax the input geometry of a given system in order to find the structure that minimizes the forces. The final result obtained depends on the trained machine learning model used. """ def __init__( self, posinp, calculator, forcemax=0.01, step_size=0.002, max_iter=500 ): r""" Parameters ---------- posinp : mybigdft.Posinp Starting configuration to relax calculator : Calculator mlcalcdriver.Calculator instance that will be used in the created Job to evaluate properties. forcemax : float Stopping criterion on the forces (in eV/Angstrom). Default is `0.01`. step_size : float Step size for each relaxation step. Default is `0.003` Angstrom<sup>2</sup>/eV. max_iter : int Maximum number of iterations. Default is 500. """ self.posinp = posinp self.calculator = calculator self.forcemax = forcemax self.step_size = step_size self.max_iter = max_iter self.final_posinp = None @property def posinp(self): r""" Returns ------- Posinp Initial posinp of the geometry optimization procedure """ return self._posinp @posinp.setter def posinp(self, posinp): if posinp is None: raise ValueError("No initial positions were provided.") self._posinp = posinp @property def calculator(self): r""" Returns ------- Calculator The Calculator object to use for the Jobs necessary to perform the geometry optimisation. """ return self._calculator @calculator.setter def calculator(self, calculator): if isinstance(calculator, Calculator): self._calculator = calculator else: raise TypeError( """ The calculator for the Geopt instance must be a class or a metaclass derived from mlcalcdriver.calculators.Calculator. """ ) @property def final_posinp(self): r""" Returns ------- Posinp or None Final posinp of the geometry optimization or None if the the optimization has not been completed """ return self._final_posinp @final_posinp.setter def final_posinp(self, final_posinp): self._final_posinp = final_posinp @property def forcemax(self): r""" Returns ------- float Stopping criterion on the forces (in eV/Angstrom) """ return self._forcemax @forcemax.setter def forcemax(self, forcemax): self._forcemax = forcemax @property def step_size(self): r""" Returns ------- float Step size for each relaxation step """ return self._step_size @step_size.setter def step_size(self, step_size): self._step_size = step_size @property def max_iter(self): r""" Returns ------- int Maximum number of iterations """ return self._max_iter @max_iter.setter def max_iter(self, max_iter): self._max_iter = int(max_iter)
[docs] def run(self, batch_size=128, recenter=False, verbose=0): r""" Parameters ---------- batch_size : int Size of the mini-batches used in predictions. Default is 128. recenter : bool If `True`, the structure is recentered on its centroid after the relaxation. Default is `False`. verbose : int Controls the verbosity of the output. If 0 (Default), no written output. If 1, a message will indicate if the optimization was succesful or not and the remaining forces. If 2 or more, each iteration will provide an output. """ temp_posinp = deepcopy(self.posinp) verbose = int(verbose) # Optimization loop for i in range(1, self.max_iter + 1): # Forces calculation job = Job(posinp=temp_posinp, calculator=self.calculator)"forces", batch_size=batch_size) # Moving the atoms for j in range(len(job.posinp[0])): temp_posinp = temp_posinp.translate_atom( j, self.step_size * job.results["forces"][0][j] ) fmax = np.max(np.abs(job.results["forces"][0])) if verbose >= 2: print( "At iteration {}, the maximum remaining force is {:6.4f} eV/Ha.".format( i, fmax ) ) # Stopping condition if fmax < self.forcemax: if verbose >= 1: print("Geometry optimization stopped at iteration {}.".format(i)) break # Step size reduction to help forces optimization if i % 100 == 0: self.step_size = self.step_size * 0.9 # Maximum iterations check if i == self.max_iter: if verbose >= 1: print( "Geometry optimization was not succesful at iteration {}.".format( i ) ) if verbose >= 1: print("Max remaining force is {:6.4f}.".format(fmax)) self.final_posinp = temp_posinp if recenter: self.final_posinp = self.final_posinp.to_centroid()